Healing Songs


The healing songs book is a poetic declaration revealing in-depth personal experiences, and deep scriptural examination and declarations. This collection is my testimony of God’s goodness and mercy which has always protected me. I am grateful that I am able to share my heart’s Healing Song’s with you all. I hope and pray that you too are able to find your Healing Songs in the midst of all your turmoil.

I see this collection of poetry quite literally changing lives and deeply affecting the hearts and minds of those who read it.  The depth of transparency in this work and the skillful use of style makes the truth of the words on the page instantly resonate. Stacy Gear, management consultant

Mary Aongo’s poetry collection is a moving testament to God’s unsurmountable love and healing power. Her poems capture not only your heart but her poetry touches your soul.  She has an incredible ability to share her heart and allows the reader to embark on her spiritual journey as if they are walking by her side. Kiana Davis, teacher, poet and author of Digging For Roots

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