The essence of growing congregations revolves around effective leadership. Churches and parachurch leaders need to be agile and refine their leadership competencies to meet the trend of today’s connected world. This book examines a variety of leadership practices in growing churches, but with a focus on the leadership style that Jesus preferred in His earthly ministry, which the Apostles followed to found churches. The book has provided effective ways to enlist church ministries, strategize fund development initiatives, and diagnose congregational cultures and leadership competencies using proven scientific methods of measurement. Several diagnostic forms are provided in the appendixes.
This book is a personal enrichment intended to help you decode the coded voice of God when speaking in tongues. It also provides some amazing “bonuses” that would enable you to hear God clearly through means of a special transaction with the Lord other than by tongues. In the trend of Christian writings today, Interpreting Your Tongues stands unique. It reveals hidden enigmas in tongues that have often been flouted and yet it’s one of the mysterious ways God communicates urgent matters to believers. The book gives guidance to hear God talking to you as you speak in tongues. The moment you discover these secrets you won’t reject tongues utterance—you will always remain in the secret place.
Do you know that everything you need in life is packed inside you? Perhaps you are currently desperate for wealth, peace, love, courage, health, eternal life, and other bestowments. The “things” you are looking for are just within your reach awaiting your diligent decision to act. But the major obstacle that would hinder you from accessing your blessings is how to go about finding them within you. This book is written to help address your inner struggles and give you step-by-step guidelines to understand, recognize and kindle the power within you. As you go on reading the Holy Spirit will guide you to understand your purpose and help you fulfill it.
The healing songs book is a poetic declaration revealing in-depth personal experiences, and deep scriptural examination and declarations. This collection is my testimony of God’s goodness and mercy which has always protected me. I am grateful that I am able to share my heart’s Healing Songs with you all. I hope and pray that you too are able to find your Healing Songs in the midst of all your turmoil.
This book is a doorstep to enable you to live a prosperous meaningful life both in the now and the future you would spend your eternity. It reveals essential components of salvation prescribed by the eternal Creator for everyone to embrace in life if they opt to choose. The book speaks to people from all walks of life including those trapped in tough situations who find it difficult to overcome all odds and those desiring to walk in the supernatural with limitless power (dunamis), authority (exousia), and wisdom (sophía). The moment you embrace these powerful salvation components, the sky will only be your limit. I have also included my “unusual” life story detailing the unfathomed power of God working in me thus making me who I am today.